My practice stems from my own journey of healing and self-discovery. The knowledge and tools I share today are the foundation of what lifted me out of the depths of crippling anxiety and depression, a raging eating disorder and non-existent self worth. From my greatest struggle came my greatest gift - the ability guide others to not only heal, but thrive as their inherently whole, authentic selves.

I am a certified Vinyasa yoga instructor and Integrative Nutrition Health Coach with additional trainings in Ayurveda, Reiki, Kundalini Yoga, Yin Yoga, meditation, and breathwork. I specialize in bringing clarity to one’s life path, clearing out subconscious blocks, and offering actionable plans and hands-on support in reaching your goals with a uniquely grounded approach to energetics, esoterics, spirituality, and the often overly “woo-woo” world of health and wellness.